Aberdeenshire - Photography Studio Session / by Leticia Gaidon Bradford

Lately, I was exploring new techniques in photography and, I was refining the styles aiming to produce a more fashion high end portrait. Although, it takes a lot of effort and time, I feel proud of the result.

As usual, some images are going to be submitted for photography competitions. This helps me to push my skills and be more critical about my work.

The Portrait Photo Session Inspiration

A few styles had the influence of past collections of Dolce & Gabbana. I keep my signature touch of combining dark mood images with bold colours.  

Headshots and Branding

I always try to incorporate some pictures to be used with business purposes. I had that blouse from Argentina and it was a perfect match with the skirt. I wanted to emphasised the shape that the outfit was providing us. The objective was to be more playful with the first image and more professional with the second shot.

Creative Portraits

The only thing that this lady could see it was a white wall behind her, however in my camera I had this colourful picture of her in blue and red.   

I still remember the reaction of surprise when I showed her the picture straight from the camera. She was so excited and happy!

Inspired by the great Paolo Roversi, I wanted to shoot some portraits with the vintage hint of the Victorian times. Still we remember the photo session with Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.