Duchess of Cambridge by Paolo Roversi / by Leticia Gaidon Bradford

The very creative and versatile photographer, Paolo Roversi, was the responsible to portrait The Duchess of Cambridge with the motive of her 40th birthday.

This resonates with my objective of taking pictures of women over 40s in beautiful dresses or in a more relax way. Whatever the style selected the point is celebrate life and us ageing.

Few Observations about The Duchess of Cambridge’s Portraits

I found very interesting that Roversi evoked the Victorian style of portraits in this photo. Cleverly the dress chosen, by Alexander McQueen, perfectly complement this idea.   

Roversi is an innovative fashion photographer, when you are photographed by him you enter in his world. It is not the reality as it is, again, we are talking about Roversi’s world.  

The image with the red dress, in my opinion, it is more a fashion portrait than a portrait. My eyes are drawn to her dress and not her face. If the photo is done for Vogue selling the outfit, it is a perfect shot. But it was done as a portrait. I don’t think that Roversi have chosen the images, he is very experienced to know the difference. Nevertheless, she is beautiful and the image is gorgeous.

Beautiful monochrome image of the Duchess. The light was very soft to fill the wrinkles as Kate Middleton doesn’t want the use of Photoshop. Technique that I also use for my clients. However, I use also Photoshop.

The Duchess of Cambridge is a photographer and choose cleverly the people who is going to take her portraits. A wise woman in her 40s. Happy birthday.

Paolo Roversi and his work

If you would like to know more about this incredible photographer, click in the videos where you can find nice stories about him.

Know Paolo Roversi’s work.

Bye for now.