photography studio aberdeen

Sally Shares Her Experience With You - Aberdeenshire Photography Session by Leticia Gaidon Bradford

I was fortunate to meet Sally during the course of Women in Business, which is a successful program funded by Aberdeenshire Council through the Scottish Government PESF (Parental Employability Support Fund). Immediately, I loved her style and admired her professionalism without losing the human touch.

Secretly, I was wishing to portrait her because she represents the type of person that I hold in high esteem and represent my brand: Amazing Wise Women. Therefore, I was thrilled when she expressed her desire to be photographed by me. But, I stop here. It is better that Sally tells you her experience. Click to know about it.

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Headshots & Branding: What you need to know. by Leticia Gaidon Bradford

Either if you are a professional working for a company or you are an entrepreneur, given a first good impression is a must. Therefore, Headshots and Branding are the most crucial marketing tools in a highly competitive business world.

In this post I tell you what you need to know about Headshots and Branding.

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